WAAA staff is here to support you!

Although our physical offices are currently closed, we have staff working remotely to serve you!

Contact us by calling: 425-894-7231 or email us at: info@washingtonautismadvocacy.org 

We are closed between 12/24/2020 and 01/03/2021!

We will respond to your emails after 01/03/2021 info@washingtonautismadvocacy.org 
Happy Holidays!

Blueprints for Special Education

The special education process is like building a house.

There is a logical order to both. IDEA-Blueprints to Special Education is a training workshop presented by special education attorneys who explain how to use the building blocks of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to develop appropriate services for your child or student.


Join 3 of our state's most prominent special education attorneys for an in-depth explanation on how to use the building blocks of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to develop appropriate services for your child or student.


9:00 - 9:20 - Announcements, meet and greet (WAAA staff and attendees)

9:20 - 9:30 Introduction to attorneys

9:30 - 10:30 Group 1 - Initial Assessments, reevaluations, IEEs (60 min)

Evaluation Process In Depth:

  • How to tie evaluations to developing effective and measurable goals,
  • What to do if the school did a cursory evaluation
  • Evaluations for non-speaking or non-verbal students or students with challenging & disruptive behaviors.
  • How to formally request evaluations

10:30 - 10:45 Mid Morning Break

10:45 - 11:45Group 2 - IEPs - special education and related services (60 min)

  • How do I know if my student is receiving effective education?
  • How do I negotiate for research based and evidence based methodology,
  • How much data can I ask for?
  • How often can progress be reported?
  • What if the expectation is REALLY low,?
  • How can I negotiate for access to general ed. for a student with high support needs?
  • How can I negotiate for access to the gifted program if my child has social & organization needs?
  • How to secure services for high functioning students who don't present with exceptional needs (needs fall through the cracks)?
  • Transition Plans & Vocational Training
  • What does 18-21 look like for college bound students with disabilities - College prep, etc.

11:45 - 12:15 – Lunch break

12:15 - 1:45 Group 3 - Placement & resolving differences; Due Process,  Dispute Resolution (90 min)

  • Full range of instructional arrangements & supplementary aids & services.
  • How to negotiate for appropriate supports in the least restrictive environment?
  • What if there are no good options in the district? How & when do I negotiate for private placement?
  • Resolving differences: "I can't afford an attorney, my child's been out of school for 4 months!" Documentation along the way in case you ever need to duke it out! Where do I begin?
  • How to file a citizen’s complaint.

1:45 – 2:00 Break

2:00 - 2:30 Group 4 - Professional Communication & self advocacy tools (30 min)

Adjourn 2:30 pm

Technical Assistance & Interpretation Services

We can help with any technical barriers. Our office manager, Tara Conley, will be happy to work with you on how to access the training platform, as well as interpretation needs. If you need an interpreter, you must register 30 days prior to the workshop. Each breakout session will have a staff member teamed up with our presenters to support technical aspects.

Contact Phone: 425-894-7231

Email: Office@WashingtonAutismAdvocacy.org

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